Para participar no Seminário Internacional de Ciências no Instituto Weizmann em Rehovot, viajaram para Israel: Karina Lôbo Hajdu (da 3ª Série de Biotecnologia) e Daniel Goldbach Schinazi (da 3ª Série de Eletrônica). Eles foram selecionados entre candidatos das escolas ORT de todo o mundo para integrar um grupo de 18 jovens que farão, com todos os custos pagos, o seminário, de 10 a 29 de agosto.
O Diretor de Programas da ORT Mundial enviou a seguinte mensagem aos participantes, suas famílias e suas escolas:
Dear Friends, After a three year absence, World ORT is delighted to resume the Davidson – World ORT Science Summer School 2014 at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel. The Summer School got off to a successful start on Sunday 10th August, as 18 students from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Russia, Ukraine and Israel arrived at the prestigious Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel to begin an enriching three week program, jam-packed with science-related activities, sightseeing and stimulating groups activities. Today, students begin their scientific research in the labs of the Weizmann Institute. We will of course keep you updated about the program developments. To give you an immediate idea of what will be taking place, students will have the privilege to work on stimulating projects with wonderful researchers and mentors. Outstanding lab projects are given every day at the Weizmann Institute and the focus on science and technology will be enhanced with visits to high tech and start-up companies. Participant countries presentations will be given and visits to Jerusalem and the Negev are also included. In the evenings, Weizmann staff will be running activities for the group that are sure to exercise, educate and entertain. As you know, the situation in Israel is tense and security is at the forefront of everybody’s thoughts, so we are thrilled that the Summer School has been able to go ahead. We have been in daily contact with our colleagues at World ORT Kadima Mada offices in Israel and with our partners at the Weizmann Institute and we are totally confident that our students, who are under the complete care of professionally trained staff at the Youth Village of the Weizmann Institute, know how to respond in case of an emergency. I would like to thank ORT National Directors and school principals for helping World ORT Education Department to select such talented students who stand out for their scientific abilities. The experiences that these students will bring back are sure to be invaluable and rewarding.
Best Regards,
Vladimir Dribinskiy
Chief Program Officer