
Carta ao Prêmio Nobel

Clara Magdalena Gomes, aluna da 3ª Série do Ensino Médio, com especialização em Biotecnologia, do Instituto de Tecnologia ORT, que participou recentemente do Seminário Internacional de Ciências no Instituto Weizmann, em Israel, vibrou muito ao saber que a professora Ada Yonat foi a ganhadora do Nobel de Química de 2009.

Foi no laboratório da professora Yonat, no Instituto Weizmann, que Clara realizou, em agosto deste ano, suas pesquisas. Então, junto com os outros dois alunos escolhidos pela ORT Mundial para trabalhar neste laboratório, enviou a seguinte carta ao prêmio Nobel:

Dear Professor Yonat,

We were delighted and proud to learn that you have been awarded this year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry. We would like to congratulate you on this wonderful and well-deserved achievement.

We feel very privileged to know that we worked in your laboratory, as part of the World ORT Raya Cowan Summer School this August. We remember very well meeting you on our first day and the warm welcome that you gave us. We thank you most sincerely for giving us the opportunity to work in your laboratory and for enabling us to take part in the research work of your team. As high school students studying at different ORT schools, we believe that the experience of working at the Weizmann Institute opened our eyes to the exciting field of scientific research.

We would also like to take the opportunity of expressing our special thanks to our direct supervisor Dr. Matthew Belousoff.

Congratulations once again.

Yours sincerely,

Clara Magdalena Gomez, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ariel Markiewitz, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Anna Pshenichny, Kiryat Ata, Israel

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